
Indian Traditional Book Of Records is a catalogue of achievements made by Indians, at home and abroad, in diverse fields of human Endeavour.Indian Traditional Book Of Records is a celebration of exemplary exploits and recognizes accomplishments such as firsts, inventions, discoveries, honors, awards and the truly extraordinary. Entry into Indian Traditional Book Of Records and attempt of any record are subject to compliance with the Terms and Conditions, as well as the specific rules and guidelines applicable to each type of record attempt. Individuals interested in attempting to set or break a record are requested to study these Terms and the specific rules and guidelines applicable to the Attempt and sign the Disclaimer Form before the commencement of any Attempt in order to be considered for inclusion in the Indian Traditional Book Of Records.


To be eligible for consideration by the editors of Indain Traditional Book Of Record for a successful Attempt, the person undertaking an Attempt (“Participant”) must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Participant should be a resident Indian, NRI or PIO.
  • The Participant must have read and consented to the Terms, the specific rules and guidelines applicable to the Attempt, and must have signed and submitted the Disclaimer Form before undertaking the Attempt.
  • The Participant must fall in one of the three specified age groups, as specified below, and must adhere to the eligibility criteria of that age group and each Attempt must be corroborated by a valid proof of ag
    • Age Group I – 0 years to 12 years
    • Age Group II – 13 years to 18 years
    • Age Group III – Above 18 years


Indian Traditional Book Of Records reserves the right to include or exclude any chapter or category and is under no obligation to publish all or any of the listed chapters or categories in I.T.B.O.R. or any of its publications. The list provided herein is only for explanatory reasons, and for the clarity of persons seeking to engage in an Attempt. Further, the following list only consists of chapters and categories that have been published in the previous editions and is non–exhaustive. I.T.B.O.R. may, at its sole discretion, include additional chapters or categories, delete a chapter or category, or even merge two or more chapters or categories as the I.T.B.O.R. Team deems appropriate.

  • ADVENTURE – This chapter may be divided into various sections, including, and not limited to aero-sports, mountaineering, road expeditions, water sports, ultra-marathons and other adventure activities. A person undertaking an Attempt under this category may seek the I.T.B.O.R. Team’s guidance for specific guidelines if any. Potential entrants are advised to note that such guidelines or safety advice provided by the I.T.B.O.R. Team shall merely be explanatory, non–exhaustive and will not create any responsibilities or liabilities on behalf of the I.T.B.O.R. Team and/or CCIPL, whatsoever.
  • COMMUNICATIONS – This chapter contains records and information related to the broad field of communications and may be divided in to four sections – (a) Telecom, (b) Internet, (c) Print and (d) Post and Philately. Participants willing to undertake an Attempt under this chapter must ensure compliance with the specific guidelines provided.
  • RADIO – This chapter consists of only records pertaining to the radio and radio communications.
  • TELEVISION – This chapter consists of only records related to television.
  • PAINTING – This chapter contains records and information related to paintings. Information is collected from newspapers, magazines and internet and any other verified source. Individual record claims may be submitted for consideration under this chapter. However no miniature paintings in any medium will be considered.
  • MUSIC – This chapter contains records, talent and information pertaining to music. The records are further divided into marathon events or group events. Rules and guidelines for both types of events.
  • DANCE – This chapter contains records, talent and information related to the field of dance. The records are further divided into marathon events or group events. All Attempts under this chapter are required to follow the specific rules for both type of events.
  • MEDICAL SCIENCES – This chapter contains records and information from the field of medical sciences.
  • GOVERNMENT – This chapter contains information and records. This category may include, but shall not be limited to such subjects as nationhood, parties, elections, parliament, states, administration, civics, judiciary, law and order. Individual record claims may be submitted for consideration under this chapter. Candidates shall provide proof of the record, including authentication letters from independent observers including a competent authority at the national level.
  • THE ARMED FORCES – The chapter contains records and information pertaining to all the branches of the armed forces. This chapter does not accept entries and is compiled by the I.T.B.O.R. team.
  • TRANSPORT – This chapter contains records and information and the sections under this chapter may include road, rail, water and air transport. Candidates who claim records under any of these sections shall provide evidence of the same, including authentication letters from independent observers and experts.
  • BUSINESS – This chapter contains records and information and the sections under this chapter may include, but shall not be limited to, economy, stocks, banking, industry, service, workforce, etc. Candidates who claim records under any of these sections shall provide proof of the same, including authentication letters from independent observers including at least one expert in the field.
  • AGRICULTURE – The chapter contains records and information and the sections under this chapter may include, but shall not be limited to agricultural crops, farm machinery, milk and milk products, poultry, animal sciences, fisheries and research. Candidates shall provide proof of the record, including authentication letters from independent observers and experts.
  • DEVELOPMENT – The chapter is purely informative. Inspiring stories are picked up from e-mails, newspapers, magazines and TV reports. The selection of such stories shall be at the sole discretion of I.T.B.O.R. The authenticity of all such stories is verified by NGOs, government bodies, literacy missions, Rotary, Lions Clubs and others.
  • NATURE – This chapter contains information and records and the entries are compiled from emails and reports in magazine and newspapers available to I.T.B.O.R. Information related to flora and fauna is verified with nature conservation authorities, well-known wildlife institutions and directors of national parks and sanctuaries. All claims related to rain water harvesting and pollution control are strictly counter checked.
  • TOURISM – This chapter contains information and I.T.B.O.R.does not accept any entries. The information is compiled from the government tourism websites and other government sites like ‘Incredible India’.
  • HUMAN STORY – This chapter contains records, talents and information and is a celebration of unique achievements, uncommon talents and other human feats that depict India at her best. Potential entrants under this category are required to not break any laws, and must sign and submit the Disclaimer Form at least one month prior to the Attempt. I.T.B.O.R. strongly discourages any Attempt that is likely to cause harm or be of nuisance to the general public, or is likely to cause unnecessary waste of essential goods or resources, or is likely to harm the environment. Specific rules to be complied with for Attempts under this chapter.
  • SPORTS – The Sports section of the I.T.B.O.R. contains, primarily, records, sports-related statistics and information. It is prepared by independent consultants, people who are well established journalists and authorities in particular sports. The consultants are the final authority on all records under this chapter. The deadline for receiving entries for this chapter is subject to change as and when decided by the consultants. Individual record claims may be submitted for consideration under this chapter.


I.T.B.O.R. recognizes two types of Attempts – (i) an Attempt to break a previously existing record; and (ii) an Attempt to set a new record. The following procedure must be followed by any person willing to undertake an Attempt to be considered for entry in I.T.B.O.R. :

  • The person undertaking the Attempt must approach the I.T.B.O.R. Team regarding the proper procedure and information or documents required for consideration of a successful Attempt.
  • On completion of an Attempt, the Participant must provide the I.T.B.O.R.  Team a detailed and accurate documentation, as required by the I.T.B.O.R. Team, and these shall be scrutinized by the I.T.B.O.R. Team.
  • All entries to an edition are confirmed only after the deadline, i.e., the last date for submission of entries. Any entry made after such a date may be considered for a subsequent edition of I.T.B.O.R.
  • On confirmation of an entry, a certificate shall be mailed to the person who carried out the successful Attempt. Such certificates shall be sent after the particular edition for which the Attempt has been considered is printed or released.
  • For all Attempts to be undertaken, the person undertaking such an Attempt must sign and submit the Disclaimer Form provided by the I.T.B.O.R. Team, prior to the Attempt. The acceptance of any application for entry in I.T.B.O.R. shall be conditional on the signing and adherence to the Disclaimer Form, the Terms and any other specific rules and guidelines established by I.T.B.O.R. in relation to a particular category of Attempt.


  • All applications must be sent to the following addresses: Postal Address:
    GONDAL – 360311, INDIA
  • Email
  • The primary application shall consist of the following:
    • Name of the Participant;
    • Complete postal address of the Participant;
    • Contact details of the Participant;
    • Description of the record the Participant wishes to apply for; and
    • Event plan.
  • On acceptance of the initial application, the general guidelines and record specific guidelines shall be emailed or couriered to the Participant along with the procedure and documentation required.
  • On receipt of the correspondence from a member of the I.T.B.O.R. Team, the Participant shall send the following documents (in hard copy) to the postal address mentioned in paragraph 1 above –
    • A covering letter stating the Attempt details;
    • A signed copy of the Disclaimer Form sent to the Participant;
    • A self-attested copy of the Participant’s government approved identity proof (such as passport, voter ID card, PAN card etc.);
    • A self-attested copy of the Participant’s government approved age proof (such as passport, birth certificate, ration card etc.) (together the “Required Documents”).
  • On authentication and verification of the Required Documents, the Participant shall obtain a confirmation from the I.T.B.O.R. Team to proceed with the Attempt.
  • After completing the Attempt in accordance with the provisions of section IV and collecting evidence of the Attempt in accordance with the provisions of section VI, the Participant shall send the following to claim a record:(the “Claim”):
    • Details of the supposed record, duly authenticated by Gazetted officers, or relevant public authorities, or relevant authorities in charge or other competent authorities. Such authentication must be on the basis of personal verification of every detail of the claim.
    • Material evidence of the event, consisting of all the evidence collected by the Participant during the Attempt. (All CDs sent to the LBR Team, as part of the application process, should have the Participant’s name and the record category written legibly on it.)
  • A Claim which is successfully submitted shall be considered for entry in the I.T.B.O.R.
  • The application procedure should be completed within the last date of submission. Entries submitted after deadline can however be considered for the subsequent edition.
  • In addition to the aforementioned rules, specific requirements provided under the relevant categories must be fulfilled.


  • The Participant must, as part of the verification process, submit all supporting documents including at least two authentication letters (originals) on stamp paper, photographs (or CD containing still photos), personal details of the Participant, including residential address and contact details, along with a covering letter, without which the Claim will not be considered for entry.
  • The moral rights, copyright and any other intellectual property rights in and to any such material evidence shall, to be extent permitted by law, be waived unconditionally by the Participant.
  • The evidence must only be sent after the Required Documents have been verified and the primary application has been confirmed.
  • Only the Claim may be supplemented by evidence of the record.
  • In addition to the documents mentioned in Section V (7), which are necessary, other corollary evidences of the Attempt for the purpose of the Claim includes:
    • Press clippings of local, national or international newspapers, or press cuttings, or the news report in an electronic form, furnishing direct evidence of the record; or,
    • Audio tapes of the radio, tape recorded cassettes or any such fact of record which could be heard, furnishing direct evidence of the record; or,
    • Video tapes of the record attempt on DVD, or CD Rom, or any such fact of record which could on DVD, or CD Rom video, furnishing direct evidence of the record; or,
    • CDs of any such fact of record which may be in audio, visual or audio-visual format, furnishing direct evidence of the record; or Photographs of any such fact of record documented by photographs furnishing direct evidence of the record. [It is advisable to get pictures 1500 pixels wide for horizontal images and 1500 pixels tall for vertical images].
  • If any of the above mentioned evidence is in a local language, it must be sent along with an attested copy of an English translation of the said document.
  • The evidence must be clear, distinct and unambiguous.
  • I.T.B.O.R. reserves the right to refuse the entry if, evidence sufficient to prove the record act beyond reasonable doubt, is not furnished.
  • For categories where specific evidence is required, kindly refer to the respective category, mentioned in this document, for the requirements.
  • The material evidence provided by the Participant shall not be returned.
  • Wherever possible, a person from the I.T.B.O.R. Team may also visit for verification. In such cases also, the evidence shall be sent along with the Claim.
  • In case of records where giant structures are put in place or super-size objects are involved, the measurements shall be taken in the presence of one the members of the I.T.B.O.R. Team or I.T.B.O.R. approved observers.


  • Records must be absolute and not technical offshoots and they must be quantifiable, comparable and measureable. For instance, in a typing record, it is assumed that typing refers to its generally accepted meaning. However one-finger or two-finger typing will not be registered as separate records.
  • No entry shall be considered valid unless the entry is sent, along with the required evidence, in the manner prescribed in section V above.
  • I.T.B.O.R. reserves the right to publish or delete any chapter, section, category or record in the present or any future edition of I.T.B.O.R. without any notice to the Participants. I.T.B.O.R. is under no obligation to inform record holders when a record may be dropped. Such decisions shall be the sole prerogative of the I.T.B.O.R. Team in the larger continuing interest of the book.
  • Records shall be considered for publishing only on the grounds of its interest value and general public acceptance.
  • I.T.B.O.R. will not consider potentially dangerous record attempts by Participants, particularly those belonging to Age Group I, being below twelve (12) years of age.
  • Further, no entries in violation of any law, rule, regulation, guideline or any other statutory instrument shall be accepted.


The Participant is requested to take all reasonable safety precautions prior to the Attempt including, but not limited to, the testing of all equipment used for the Attempt, the utilization of prescribed safety equipment in relation to the Attempt, the presence of requisite medical personnel and treatment facilities, and any applicable safety permits required under local, state or national laws, rules and regulations. The Participant understands that the Attempt may be dangerous to him, other Participants and spectators, and that they must identify such risks, with the help of professional advice, such as the risk of accident, illness, paralysis, injury, loss, or death which may be caused by negligence, forces of nature, or other agencies, known and unknown. The Participant knowingly and freely assumes all such risks, both known and unknown, and assumes full personal responsibility for the Attempt and its consequences. The Participant shall bear sole responsibility for taking all such safety precautions and acknowledge that CCIPL, the LBR Team and/or their respective directors, officers, appointed representatives or agents shall not, in any manner whatsoever, be responsible for making any safety arrangements for the Attempt.

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